The sky runner

November 26, 2020

Jean-Baptiste Chandelier takes up a beautiful dream in his latest video "Sky Walking". But behind this is also the subtle presentation of its new sponsor. JB Chandelier "runs" in the sky. // Source: Youtube, Screenshot The Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Chandelier is considered to be one of the most imaginative and artistic video makers on the paragliding scene. His latest work "Sky Walking" takes up a popular motif of his: the gliding, running transition from flying close to the ground to running in the sky. This also includes gliding over the asphalt with sparks, for which he stuck fire steel sticks into the soles of his shoes. If you take a closer look at the video (and also know the earlier films), you will of course notice another interesting detail. For years JB has been seen with Dudek umbrellas in his films. Because he also worked as a test pilot and developer for the Polish manufacturer and is even considered the "father" of the only one kilogram extreme single skin run-and-fly. But in Sky Walking he is out and about with a Skywalk umbrella - matching the video title. When JB recently officially announced via Facebook that he would close the chapter on Dudek and now turn to new adventures, he left one question open: Where to? The video provides the answer. Once again the exceptional pilot proves that he knows how to tell stories with pictures. This development is also interesting in view of a general trend in the industry. The umbrella manufacturer's marketing is increasingly shifting towards social media such as Facebook and Instagram. So it can be very helpful to sign pilots who have already made a name for themselves and have a lot of followers. In this way, for example, Nova has already gained a lot of international attention this year thanks to Theo de Blic. Jean-Baptiste Chandeliers Engament should soon pay off for Skywalk. First of all within advertising reach, but maybe even more? The video "Sky Walking" can be seen on Youtube. Continue reading "

This article has been translated for your convenience and was originally written in tedesco.


A popular German Paragliding Blog written by Lucian Haas

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