
Arrondissement of Saint-Pierre, Reunion

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Current Conditions

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Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

-21.3466, 55.7023 : 482.0 m


6:33 AM


5:56 PM

Time Zone

Réunion Time (+0400)

Situation : Takeoff at Matouta (Saint-Joseph). Landing at Basse-Vallée (Saint-Philippe). GPS : WGS84 S -21.34662 - E 55.70227 Altitude : 461 m ASL Access : Takeoff is on a mall round peak situated under Landing : GPS : WGS84 S -21.36173 - E 55.71510 On the football field of Basse-Vallée : easily accessible because very clear. The flying over the cliff before landing is sublime. na. na. na.

Aerology : Toakeoff orientation : East-Southeast. Privileged meteorological conditions : dominant Wind coming from the North or from the South-Southeast. Sometimes a West-Southwest wind can bring a return of South-Southeast. Possibility of soaring by steady wind, over the take-off and behind Piton Bernard can gain height. It is also possible in the first two thirds of the course between takeoff and landing on the cliff situated in border of the R.N. 2. By sunny weather, thermical currents are generous above Matouta hamlet and Basse-Vallée village. They are stronger when sugar cane fields are cut.

9 km
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48 km
53 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
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ENE 0 0
E 10 0
ESE 10 0
SE 10 0
SSE 0 0
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SSW 0 0
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NNW 0 0