Purzelbaum to Infinit

December 3, 2019

Acro star Theo de Blic raises the bar once again for his competition. In a video he shows his new "standard maneuver": Superstall Flip to Infinit. A superstall, just before Purzelbaum and Infinity Tumbling. // Source: Youtube, Theo de Blic, Screenshot Luo-Glidz has repeatedly reported that Theo de Blic is constantly enriching the maneuvering world of the acro-pilots with new techniques and pushing them into new dimensions. See, among others, the post "The Acro Future". On the way to Theo, Theo has once again reached a new level. In a video, he shows how easy he is to fly a maneuver that would have seemed unimaginable to many a few months ago. He pulls his wing into a dynamic stable (superstall) and then uses the screen's forward energy to jump directly into an infinity Tumbling over. As an additional difficulty, he performs in the transition still a rear somersault with his harness. Finished is the SuperStall Flip to Infinit. The corresponding video can be seen on Youtube.

This article has been translated for your convenience and was originally written in alemán.


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