#206- A Walk (and Fly) down Memory Lane with Paul Guschlbauer

October 27, 2023

Paul Guschlbauer has been on the podium more than anyone in the Red Bull X-Alps other than of course Chrigel. He began his X-Alps journey back in 2011 when by his own account, he was a pretty beginner pilot. But that year the weather was horrific and he is a beast on the ground and he managed to nab 3rd place. This result lead to becoming a Red Bull athlete, a spot in that year's Dolomitimann, and the rest is...well at least history in the making as Paul is far from done! This year's Red Bull X-Alps was Paul's 8th edition of the incredible race and a lot has happened over the more than a decade of racing.

The post #206- A Walk (and Fly) down Memory Lane with Paul Guschlbauer first appeared on CLOUDBASE MAYHEM.


Gavin McClurg hosts a podcast (The Cloudbase Mayhem podcast) dedicated to free flight where he interviews the best pilots in the world to glean out what makes them great and contributes regularly to magazines like Cross Country and Parapente and many others.