
Haifa District, Israel

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Current Conditions

No Alerts.

Remember before every flight, check your equipment, reassess the conditions and ask yourself if 'I'm safe'?

Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

32.6886, 35.0924 : 343.0 m

Landing Zone

32.683, 35.1009 : 61.0 m


5:52 AM


7:22 PM

Time Zone

Israel Standard Time (+0300)

easy launch for one glider under the take off on the free field near the road number 70 to Haifa. Look out for the power line. From Yokneam to Muhraka Monastery forbidden to fly on weekdays because the Air force forbidden to fly on weekdays because the Air force

North wind- you can not feel from the take off point.

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18 km
27 km
32 km
35 km
36 km
48 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 5
ESE 0 5
SE 10 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
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WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0