Loma Bola

Tucumán, Argentina

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Gaston Keenan logged a 87 km flight
Gaston Keenan logged a 50 km flight
Marcos Rosenkjer logged a 156 km flight in Colorado Pilots
Marcos Rosenkjer logged a 121 km flight in Colorado Pilots

Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

-26.8226, -65.3691 : 1362.0 m

Landing Zone

-26.8181, -65.3274 : 552.0 m


7:47 AM


6:49 PM

Time Zone

Argentina Standard Time (-0300)

Nice grassy field with room for quiet a few gliders. There is a bar and toilets. Local pilots pay a annual fee but visiting pilots are not usually charged. Top land here or in nearby site 'Los Pinos', or land in one of the fields available at the valley floor. Pilots meet in a bar called 'Km. 12' (26.8088S, 65.3166W) at the foot hill, just 150m after the roundabout where the road leaves Yerba Buena and starts climbing up the hill toward the take-off. They park their cars there and share a taxi up the hill to both 'Loma Bola' and 'Los Pinos', which is 1km before. Meeting time is usually between noon and 2PM, but check with them first. To get to 'Km. 12' just take bus 102 or 118 from Tucuman, but make sure it has the sign 'Pie de monte' so it goes as far as the roundabout. na. na.

This site roughly faces east, however the predominant wind is South. When the South wind gets strong, the area becomes turbulent due to the rotor from the W-E spines going down from the main N-S ridge.


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 5
ESE 0 5
SE 10 0
SSE 0 5
S 0 5
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0