Plaine Joux (Passy)

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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Tim Arpino logged a 37 km flight
Parawaiting ... Patrick A checked in
Andrew Bucknill logged a 9 km flight
Andrew Bucknill logged a 26 km flight

Required Launch Wind Direction

parapente passy plaine joux
weekend loin de paris.
Aaron Hughes added this

Annecy France Paragliding
Paragliding in the French Alps - September, 2013 Locations flown: - Doussard - Montmin and Marlens launches - St. Hilaire - 2013 Coupe Icare Paragliding ...
Aaron Hughes added this

Take Off

45.9496, 6.7397 : 1353.0 m

Landing Zone

45.9285, 6.7246 : 603.0 m


6:16 AM


8:44 PM

Time Zone

Central European Standard Time (+0200)

Cedde landing site is usually more crowded, higher chances of getting shuttles from there.

At Plain Joux. Wide take off, nicely prepared. Can be windy the afternoon (valley brise) Two landing sites exist: Chedde and Merlioz, both just 1km apart. Merlioz site is much bigger and suitable for hang gliders. Chedde is smaller, more technical but still suitable for beginners. Meriloz site is on the way from Passy to Le Fayet (big field on the right, access from other side): 45°54'57''N - 06°42'21''E Site identified on the map is the Chedde site. Getting to launch site: 1) by car, approx 15min drive up. If you are alone, try to ask around, possibly there may be other pilot(s) willing to ho up, so one car you can keep at landing. 2) by shuttle. On the weekend days you can find some vans offering shuttle service, or if you are kind you can join the vans of tandem flights or school. Usually the shuttle contribution is 3EUR (2012) 3) Walking. It is approximately 1,5hr walk from the landing site of Chedde. Walk up to the road which goes to Servoz, then walk towards Servoz (1km) until find footpath with indicator to Plain Joux. Then walk up. The cliff behind the takeoff is part of the national park - it is not allowed to fly closer than 300m from it. The cliff more to the to the west is OK to fly close. At both landing sites the approach should be the standard 'C' approach, please respect this rule as the sky over the landing fields, especially Chedde, is often very crowded. At landing sites the kiting should be interrupted when pilots are on the approach. At the Marlioz landing site the hang gliders have got the prioriity on the approach. The cliff behind the takeoff is part of the national park - it is not allowed to fly closer than 300m from it. The cliff more to the to the west is OK to fly close. At both landing sites the approach should be the standard 'C' approach, please respect this rule as the sky over the landing fields, especially Chedde, is often very crowded. At landing sites the kiting should be interrupted when pilots are on the approach. At the Marlioz landing site the hang gliders have got the prioriity on the approach.

Avoid flying with strong west, south west wind. With west wind coming, the landing is hard to reach, and conditions can be really turbulent. Very well protected from north wind. It is still flyable even with insane north wind.

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