Flowerdale (3 Sisters)

Victoria 3717, Australia

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Remember before every flight, check your equipment, reassess the conditions and ask yourself if 'I'm safe'?

Andrew Bucknill logged a 10 km flight
Andrew Bucknill logged a 22 km flight
Andrew Bucknill logged a 11 km flight
Andrew Bucknill logged a 12 km flight

Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

-37.2957, 145.281 : 484.0 m

Landing Zone

-37.2857, 145.271 : 266.0 m


6:22 AM


7:45 PM

Time Zone

Australian Eastern Standard Time (+1100)

A smooth grassy double sided east / west ridge with both the north and south sides soarable and trees below the south launch. Due to rules put in place during negotiations with the Landowner this is a CLOSED CLUB SITE. You must be a current financial member of the Melbourne Hang Gliding Club or Skyhigh Paragliding Club to fly this site, see below for contact details. Also, you must not fly alone - there must be at least two people, even non-flyers.

Launch is either side of the middle knoll. The northerly launch is completely open and the slightly rounded knoll allows a straight launch with slight amounts of NE to NW winds. The south launch with the close proximity of trees can be difficult due to the turbulence generated and is thus less forgiving. Access to the top of the hill is STRICTLY 4WD ONLY, you must park 2WD cars near the bottom sign. Please keep the number of vehicles on the property to a minimum and strictly stick to tracks to avoid cutting up paddocks. Erosion , dust and other visible impact from too many vehicles running up and down the hill is much greater than the impact of flying overhead. North : The paddock is large but slightly sloped away from the hill and as such your approach should be as low as comfortable into the paddock to give you plenty of room. Be aware of possible turbulence from other hills, especially in NW winds. In very light or nil conditions an uphill landing can be successful. South : The landing area is along the Strath Creek Rd in one of the first three paddocks immediately over the creek. Check these paddocks before flying for stock or other obstacles and possible dangers (possible flooding in wet months). Near Flowerdale, 60km NNE of Melbourne. Note that the site map deliberately does not show the exact site location - contact club member of MHGC or Skyhigh to locate. As mentioned above, All pilots must be current financial members of the Melbourne Hang Gliding Club or Skyhigh Paragliding Club. This site was only recently re-opened (February 1998) so please respect the site rules as arranged with the private owner of this property. This site is privately owned by Terry Hubbard who MUST be contacted by the first people arriving. This site is on the edge of a 4500' to 7500' controlled airspace step. As mentioned above, All pilots must be current financial members of the Melbourne Hang Gliding Club or Skyhigh Paragliding Club. This site was only recently re-opened (February 1998) so please respect the site rules as arranged with the private owner of this property. This site is privately owned by Terry Hubbard who MUST be contacted by the first people arriving. This site is on the edge of a 4500' to 7500' controlled airspace step.

In summer, drive very slowly along the dusty track from the highway to the LZ, because in a N wind, the dust blows onto the two or three houses along the way. There is a power line directly below the northern launch at the foot of the hill. There are also power lines in alternative landing paddocks on the south side. This site can become very turbulent in NE or NW winds, be extremely careful when low either side of knolls.

24 km
57 km


N 10 0
NNE 0 5
NE 0 5
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 5
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 5
NNW 0 5