Mt Ben Nevis

Victoria, Australia

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Current Conditions

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Remember before every flight, check your equipment, reassess the conditions and ask yourself if 'I'm safe'?

Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

-37.2292, 143.193 : 662.0 m


7:24 AM


5:23 PM

Time Zone

Australian Eastern Standard Time (+1000)

Large sheer mountain with clear takeoff and large landing paddocks below launch

Takeoff Take off is a large granite outcrop, just below the summit and facing directly west. Although there is a sheer vertical drop of some 500' or more, the outcrop has a rounded edge at the top, minimising rotor and making good, clean takeoffs a fairly simple matter Landing The non cross country pilot or the unlucky will find plenty of room to land directly in front of take off amongst the large cleared grazing paddocks. Alternatively, with only a thousand above, or thereabouts, the Warrak bomb out area is within reach. If landing at Warrak be sure to land well downwind of any trees and please avoid flying over the deer pens immediately West of the paddock behind the owners house. Flight The surrounding area possesses excellent thermal generating characteristics, with terrain ranging from tree covered earth to bare granite. Many thermals cook up on the flat ground out in front and are carried by the drift to the mountain. A good day will see the whole area providing lift. Ridge soaring is also possible in a moderate Westerly or North Westerly. Cross country flights regular occur from this location. Almost every season now sees pilots flying in excess of 100km. Flights South to the coast and East to Ballarat are common.

The main hazard is a power line servicing a lookout tower at the top of the mountain. It is a single line, supported only at the ends, running from top to bottom and is sufficiently far away from the mountainside to make hitting it a real possibility. Any pilot flying to the right of takeoff and below the top should know exactly where he is in relation to this line at all times. Orange marker balls are fitted but not that easy to see.

13 km
34 km


N 0 5
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 0 0
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 10 0
WNW 10 0
NW 10 0
NNW 0 5