Fryer St

South Australia, Australia

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Current Conditions

No Alerts.

Remember before every flight, check your equipment, reassess the conditions and ask yourself if 'I'm safe'?

Required Launch Wind Direction

Take Off

-35.0655, 138.501 : 46.0 m

Landing Zone

-35.0655, 138.501 : 46.0 m


7:14 AM


5:31 PM

Time Zone

Australian Central Standard Time (+0930)

Hazardous site - There are clear areas but bottom landing can be dangerous at any time due to the rocks, especially if the tide is in. Suburban hazards everywhere if you get blown back.

Takeoff from small park, surrounded by power lines and houses on three sides. Park has one large tree in it, and waist high fence to clear before cliff launch. Only top landing available back at park. Cliff landing, beware of power lines, houses and tree End of Fryer St, Hallett Cove 300' ASL max airspace 300' ASL max airspace

Don't want to by flying when whitecaps hit

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